[柊つかさスレAA保管庫(仮)] [つかさスレ過去ログ倉庫]
本家URL: http://changi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/anichara2/1261500308/
DAT: dat/../dat/1261500308.dat 物置
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【らき☆すた】柊つかさは進路決定可愛い 103

707: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 2010/01/16(土) 00:11:54 ID:GtsFA1uj [Res (1/4)]

715: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 2010/01/16(土) 08:16:52 ID:GtsFA1uj [Res (2/4)]

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720: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 2010/01/16(土) 19:05:42 ID:GtsFA1uj [Res (3/4)]

問6 次の英文を読んで、以下の問いに答えなさい
Tsukasa is fourth daughter and the younger fraternal twin sister of Kagami and lives in a six-member family household.
She is a high school student and in the same class as Konata and Miyuki.
She is good at the housework whole, but is a generous, easy-going sucker, her efforts don't always her help to reach her goals.
She can be careless and clumsy, and people tend to understimate who she truly is.
And so she wishes she could be as able as Kagami.

(a) Who is the person at whom Tsukasa is aiming%3f
  1.Kagami 2.Konata 3.Miyuki 4.None

(b) How many sisters does Tsukasa have?
  1.two 2.three 3.four 4.six

(c) What do you think her hobby is%3f
  1.running 2.studying 3.cooking 4.sleeping

726: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 2010/01/16(土) 23:24:50 ID:GtsFA1uj [Res (4/4)]


新着 >>ALL >>1 >>100 >>200 >>300 >>400 >>500 >>600 >>700 >>800 >>900 >>1000
本家URL: http://changi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/anichara2/1261500308/ [新着]
最終更新時刻:Wed Jan 27 18:25:44 2010
元DAT (../dat/1261500308.dat)
[つかさスレ過去ログ倉庫] [柊つかさスレAA保管庫(仮)]
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